Thursday, January 10, 2013

Healthy Variety: Quick "HEALTHY" Meals

Being a fitness instructor has proven to be very time consuming, especially when you teach at several different locations around the city. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do! But, eating healthy and being "on-the-go" as much as I am has proven challenging, until recently. 

No matter what your profession is nowadays, TIME is something most of us lack! We plan everything out for the day, and are still short a good 4hrs or so of the time we need to get it all done. When leading a healthy lifestyle, our daily diets are usually the first to suffer the blow of time, or the lack there of. 

So, today, I am sharing with you all a recipe that takes all of TEN minutes to make, with the assistance of a handy microwave of course! But, the best thing about this meal is that it will not break our "nutritional bank"; meaning that unlike over processed and highly fattening fast foods, we will not have to worry about adding an extra 3 inches to our waistline for the sake of saving time!

The recipe for today is: Spinach "fettuccine" in a chicken and organic tomato sauce. 

The recipe calls for the noodles known as "Miracle Noodles" or tofu "Shiritaki" noodles.  In short, these are GREAT for those on a low-carb, low-fat diet! And the best thing about them, being made from tofu and all, is that they DO NOT taste like door-stop (as many would imagine them to taste). Below is an image of the package of noodles. 

This noodle variation can be found locally at: Kroger or Whole Foods (where this week they are on special for $1.29 a package)

This is the Spinach Fettuccine flavor that the brand makes. Some of the attributes this product boasts are: 25 calories, 0g saturated fat, only 10mg of sodium, 0 sugars, and 3g of fiber. And for those with allergies to gluten, let your worries be put to rest! This product is certified Gluten-Free.

For more information on the nutrition and benefits of the "Miracle Noodle":

This is what the noodle looks like once taken out of the package; so don't be alarmed!


Now on to the fun of the recipe!

Ingredients: pictured & labeled after list
  • Spinach Fettuccine: Miracle Noodles 
  • 3oz. diced chicken breast (can be previously cooked or pre-packed: yet watch out for the sodium content of the pre-packaged chicken) 
  •  Mrs. Dash Seasoning (preferably Tomato Basil Garlic and Garlic & Herb for this recipe)
  • 1 cup Tomato Pasta Sauce (Simply Nature's Organic Marinara was used for this recipe)
  • Pinch Sea Salt
  • Touch Parmesan cheese
  • 1Tsp olive oil
30z. diced chicken breast (pre-packed)
110 cal
Total Fat 1.5g
Cholesterol 45mg
Sodium 510mg (this is what I want to you all to watch out for. Cooking your own chicken will be the healthier route in this case, given that you can control the amount of sodium|salt added)
Total Carbohydrate 1g
Protein 22g (great choice for a midday or post workout meal)

Can be purchased at your local Aldi store. If you would prefer another organic brand of marinara, Whole Foods, Fresh Market & Kroger are always my "go to" stores.

As you dive deeper into the world of "meal prep", Mrs. Dash will become your best friend!
These seasonings are a great way to get a punch of flavor in your food WITHOUT any of the added sodium that other pre-blended seasonings have.


  • For noodles: closely follow instructions on package. This will make the process run that much more smoothly.
  •  Combine cup of marinara sauce, chicken, olive oil and seasonings in microwaveable container. Note: If you feel more comfortable warming the ingredients over the stove, by all means. By factoring in the time taken for the stove to heat, you shall still be under our 10min limit.
  • Once your sauce and meat mix is warmed, pour over warm noodles and your meal is COMPLETE!
Trust me, this recipe is college student easy with a healthier twist! Remember those long study nights where food was the only other thing on your mind and you needed something quick and easy to pop into the microwave, like Top Ramen for instance? Well, take that concept and throw the actual food from it AWAY, and you have this recipe!

Once you finish, if you would like to actually SIT DOWN and enjoy your meal, at home, and on an actual plate, then this is how your meal will appear....hopefully.

Yet, if this is a meal you are preparing for lunch for yourself or for someone else, and you want it to look like a professionally prepared "to-go" meal (for whatever reason), then your will probably have something that looks more like this.

Being an "on-the-go" person is no longer an excuse for not finding healthy food options. When recipes take only MINUTES to prepare, the battle is already halfway won! So, I challenge you all to take the first step to "meal prepping" quick and healthy food choices for yourself and those in your household. Whether you are on a weight-loss journey, or on a weight maintenance regimen, meal prepping will facilitate your routine, making your new healthy LIFESTYLE easier and more desired to live up to!



Monday, January 7, 2013

Juicing: Why Beneficial?

Yesterday, after teaching my first Zumba® Fitness class since being sick last week, I felt a bit fatigued. I realized that for the past 4 days I have been cooped up in the house, laying down in the bed! So of course doing a high impact aerobic class as my first "out of the house" activity is going to tire me out!

Even though I have been taking my vitamins as needed, sometimes getting it from a whole food source is that much more beneficial for body recuperation. So, I decided to get some ingredients together and break out the old juicer!

Many ask what the big deal is about juicing. Well, here are some of the benefits of juicing according to Livestrong:

"Most fruit contains vitamins A and E, which strengthen teeth, hair and bones and improve circulation. Berries, tropical fruits such as mango and pineapple and green vegetables contain vitamins B and K, which enhance your immune system and strengthen your bones. Most vegetables and citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which repairs your tissues, cells and organs. Most vegetables also contain copper, which provides your blood with oxygen, and vegetables like squash, beans and peas contain potassium, magnesium and iron, which strengthen bones, muscles, your immune system, your teeth and your hair."

Along with these benefits, by juicing, you are able to detoxify your body of any of the harmful toxins that we may intake through food and drink. Now, I am not recommending the "Juice Fast" diet as part of this post, because that alone has another list of pros and cons. I would like to encourage developing a cleaner way of eating and taking in nutrients along with getting most of your vital vitamins via juicing. Juicing can be a great way to cleanse your system before starting out on a new "clean eating" lifestyle. Or if you would like to take you body through a general detoxification of impurities, juicing is a great way to do so!

Personally, after preparing and consuming a juice, I usually feel better after I am detoxed of any impurities I may have had lingering in my body. Maybe you too will find benefit from juicing your favorite vegetables and fruits!

I am passing a recipe of a juice I made yesterday in order to recuperate my strength needed to teach two more Zumba® Fitness classes, along with a weight training session
later yesterday evening. Give it a try! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

What you will need:

  • A juicer: no particular brand
  • Half bushel kale greens
  • Handful blueberries
  • Handful blackberries
  • Handful strawberries
  • Handful carrots 
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • Pineapple; cup sliced

This recipe is packed with vitamins that will help fortify your immune system & give you a natural boost of energy necessary to complete your days tasks (something especially needed for this time when our immune systems are put to the test by cold temperatures and the illness that are making their rounds).

By each ingredients photo, I will include a brief description of what vitamins they include and their benefit.

Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Kale:

  • Lutein: Kale has a rich source of the carotenoid and phytonutrient lutein, a natural antioxidant that can increase the health of both your eyes by blocking the potential damage that can be done by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. Lutein may also help improve the health of your skin, states the Lutein Information Bureau. 
  • Vitamins A, C, K 
  • Calcium
  • Other Vitamins and minerals: Kale is packed full of other vitamins and minerals outside of those discussed, including manganese, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, protein, foliate and phosphorus.

Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Blueberries:

  • Vitamins A, C, E & K 
  • Calcium, 
  • Iron, 
  • Zinc, 
  • Magnesium 
  • Potassium
  • Antioxidants: Blueberries are among the fruits with the highest concentration of antioxidants, according to Ronald Prior of the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. Antioxidants are substances that can help protect cells from the damaging influence of free radicals, unstable molecules that have been implicated in health problems from aging skin to heart disease. While antioxidants are also obtainable through dietary supplements, their effect isn't the same. The American Heart Association states that while a diet rich in natural antioxidant foods like blueberries may help reduce health risks, scientific studies have not demonstrated the same benefit for antioxidant supplements.
Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Strawberries:
  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Antioxidants
Essential Vitamins in Blackberries:
  • Vitamins C, E, & K
  • Fun fact: Blackberries contain antioxidants, which are beneficial for preventing disease, notes The phytochemicals in blackberries protect against heart disease, some cancers and Alzheimer's disease, notes Clemson University. 
Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Lemons:
  • Vitamins A, B(B6), C & D
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Potassium
Essential Vitamins in Oranges:
  • Vitamins A, B, C, & E
  • B Vitamins: Water-soluble B vitamins play important roles in cell metabolism. Among the B vitamins contained in oranges: vitamin B1, or thiamine, which helps the body process protein, fat, and carbohydrates; vitamin B2, or riboflavin, which converts carbohydrates into fuel and activates vitamin B6 and folic acid; vitamin B3, or niacin, processes alcohol, forms fats from carbohydrates, and regulates cholesterol; vitamin B5, or panthotenic acid, helps the body get energy from fats, synthesizes cholesterol, and helps activate adrenal glands; vitamin B9, or folate, helps the body to produce red blood cells; and vitamin B6, which regulates moods and mental processes by helping to form neurotransmitters, dopamine, hormones, melatonin, and serotonin. 
 Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Carrots:
  • Vitamins A, B, C & K
  • Magnesium

Essential Vitamins & Minerals in Pineapple:
  • One cup of fresh pineapple chunks provides you with 40 percent of the daily value for vitamin C, 10 percent for thiamin, 8 percent for vitamin B6, 6 percent for magnesium and 4 percent for folate, iron, riboflavin and niacin. Pineapple is also a good source for manganese and copper. A cup of pineapple contains only 80 calories, provides 2 g of fiber and 1 g of protein; it doesn't contain any fat.

When you have finished combining all ingredients into juicer, your final product should look something like the juice in the photo below. Give the "swirl" of fruits and veggies a nice stir and you are ready to enjoy your immune system-fortifying, as well as great tasting juice! 

Juicing tip:
Many are discouraged at times from juicing due to the amount of clean-up that follows. With our busy schedules, we don't disperse of extra time for things like cleaning dishes! (sad but true). But, here is a nice tip that can eliminate at least ONE thing that you will have to clean up after juicing. Place a plastic bag over the excess receptor of your juicer (as you would place a plastic bag in a garbage can). This way, the excess fruit and/or vegetables go directly into the bag, allowing for an easier clean-up process!

I hope you all enjoy this recipe for juicing! I challenge you all to get creative and combine some of your favorite fruits and vegetables for a refreshing juicing experience. Need help with other recipes? Many mobile devices have apps where you can download juicing recipes according illness, skin repair, immune system support, etc. Just type in "juicing" and a list should then follow!

So go out, start juicing! Your body will surely thank you for it!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Healthy Variety: Cold & Flu Season Survival Tips

Now that we are in the full swing of winter, we can expect the common cold and the flu to become, well a lot more common. BUT, if you want to avoid getting sick and having to take days out from work, exercise, etc. you can follow these helpful tips from Livestrong. These simple but necessary steps will help all of us keep a cleaner and healthier environment
for ourselves, especially through these crucial months.

Cold & Flu Tips:

As for the vitamins & ingredients essential for making it through this winter's cold & flu season well, here's a list according to the
attached photo:

  • Valerian Root: a supplement that promotes healthy and satisfying rest. A rested body is more equipped to fight off any illnesses and is better suited to take on daily tasks that, without proper rest, would be daunting.

  • B6, BComplex, B12 &Vitamin C (not pictured): all essential for a healthier and stronger immune system along with providing natural sources of energy. You will have the proper metabolism level as well as strength needed to fight off elements of the cold and flu virus.

  • Zinc: necessary for preventing the common cold but as well can shorten the life of the common cold if caught.
  • Emergen-C: you can think of this as a "back up" for your immune system. Once incorporated in your daily routine, this supplement helps make your immune system stronger, all while providing you with healthy sources of clean energy.
  • Home-made ginger-root and lemon tea: with both ingredients having sufficient amounts of Vitamin-C, your immune system will greatly benefit from being supplemented by ginger and lemon. Lemon contains agents that "help fight the cold virus directly". For full information and recipe variations on this "miracle tea":
 With these vitamins and natural sources of vitamins incorporated into your daily routine, you will be sure to battle off any signs that lurk of the cold or flu virus. With our schedules filled with work, taking care of families, and our personal fitness, we don't have any time left to get sick! Apply these tips and add these vitamins to your medicine cabinet and you will make it to spring unharmed by the winter's wrath!

Suyumi Quiroz - certified personal trainer: